Paula Deen...Paula Deen...Your frighteningly white teeth and butter-drenched cooking have put you in the spotlight. I am now going to give my thoughts on the recent scandal regarding Paula Deen's use of the word "n*gger" and her attitude towards black people. Then, I'm going to review the common thoughts I've heard in response to the "news"
Paula Deen is a plump little, glazed-eyed, grinning, southern dough-puncher that I once used pictures of to unnerve my co-worker with. Now, she's managed to stir up a heap of haters due to her using the "n-word" among other things.
Story goes; Over 20 years ago(which I have yet to see where she said when this took place), Deen announced at a party that she would love to throw a plantation party, complete with blacks dressed in black shorts and long sleeved white coats like they did in the old movies. Uh-huh. She claims that she doesn't remember using that word beyond one time to describe the people that held her at gunpoint during a robbery, but it is possible she's used it before.
Opinion: I'm disturbed by anyone, even at her age, that does not remember if they've used that word more than once. It's not a socially acceptable word for the most part so it isn't like trying to remember if you've said "sofa" instead of "couch". Despite how long ago it was or whether she feels that way or not, having the notion of nothing but black servants is repulsive.
Is her use of the word forgivable?
Sure it is. A drag queen recently got attacked by two black thuggish women. He was bloodied and bruised. Of course he was in shock and he referred to them as "n*ggers" at the time of the incident. I think with the adrienaline running, it was understandable that the most negative word could slip out of his...her...his...her...mouth. got beaten. You forgiven. Besides, they were behaving like what you called them.
Everyone that asks for an apology should be given another chance and there is no reason to believe she did not mean it.
Should FOOD NETWORK have fired her?
Hard to say. If they did nothing, then a lot of people might have accused them of condoning racism. By firing her, a lot of people felt they overreacted to something that happened a long time ago. As a friend of mine said "Is there a statute of limitation on racial slurs?" Only if the person is now enlightened.
I say...don't fire her. Just reduce how many times she's on a week. Afterall, there were NO reports of her ever using the word "n*gger" at work. At almost any other job, what you do in your own time in your own home is your own business. She would most likely never have gotten fired.
1. It was 27 years ago.
So, if I called you a f*ggot or a disease-ridden b*tch today, but you didn't find out about it until 10 years from now, would you be upset at all?
2. Every white person has used that word or thought it about a black person.
No, they haven't. Sit down and shut up. I have white friends that were around racism and they saw the ugliness that came with it so they don't use it. I have black friends that appreciate black history enough not to use the word (or the variation of "n*gga") in their speech. So unless you've made a life mission of compiling a report that shows EVERY white person has used that word...I need you to stop using such a generalized statement. It's ignorant.
3. I support Paula Deen
I don't know that declaring you support Paula Deen is really wise. Maybe you don't think she should have been fired. Maybe you enjoy her fattening confections. But saying you Support Paula Deen like she's Nelson Mandela is not only an overreaction, but it makes it sound like you support her use of the word.
4. But Black People Use It All The Time
Not all black people use the word "n*gger" (see #2). Those that do, no matter how much they try to justify it, are wrong. "It's our word" No, it's what you get called when a racist is beating you with a whip to make you pick cotton faster. I don't care what kind of street flavor you try to mix in with it, it is still the same word that carries with it the harsh history of your ancestors. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X would be disgusted by the flippant use of the word. And instead of saying the word and getting upset with how, who, or why someone else said it...let's just all agree to stop using it. With all of that said, non-black people...someone else being stupid doesn't give you the right to be stupid. I think it is a survivable sacrifice to stop using that word for the sake of peace and junk.
Now, I won't lie. I laugh when it is used in certain types of humor. I don't know if it is right or wrong, but it is usually coming from a multi-racial group of people delivering the jokes. Example: the racist McDonald's commercial on youtube.
5. "N*gger" can apply to any race by definition.
Yes, it can.
6. There will always be racism. There is nothing we can do about it. That's just the way life is.
Saying "That's the way life is" is part of the reason life is the way it is. Do you honestly think that blacks got the right to live and work anywhere because they said "Well, this is just how life is." Did women get the right to vote because they said "Meh, that's just how things are."? Things are not the way they were 10-50 years ago because someone said "I'm going to try and change things". It is just a cop-out response to people who would rather not put for the effort. Why don't you just say "I don't want to work at making the world a better place."? It carries the same attitude and is more accurate. If you don't believe that things can change...then they won't. If you don't believe things can change, then you are part of the problem. You have the power to influence your environment and you choosing to accept the bad things in the world makes you a liability instead of part of the solution. Even if you believe that things are just going to be how they are, keep it to yourself. You don't need to be the obstacle for someone else who's trying to do something.
7. We all say things we shouldn't.
Well, we do less of it as we mature. Stop doing it and you won't have people bringing up stupid stuff you did 25 years ago. Besides, we might all say things we shouldn't but most of us know which things are crossing the line.
A majority of the white supporters need to realize they couldn't understand what the word "n*gger" means to a lot of black people...the pain that is attached. So don't try to defend the actions too much.
A majority of the black non-supporters need to realize that people do change but only if we let them. Taking her job and continuing to bash her will not make her a better person. Let her have her job. If you don't like her...don't watch her.
REVIEW: Racism (or hate of a group of any kind) needs to be fought with the opposite thing. Acceptance. She's not Satan. She said a bad word...we will live. Give her a chance and then get over, nigg...oh, wait...yeah...can't say that word.
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