Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Man of Foil

SPOILER ALERT - This blog may contain spoilers regarding my take on the new movie, Man of Steel, which I watched with my good buddy, Daniel.

Short review: Man of Steel began as a good idea (with a hot actor) and ended as a good idea( know...with a hot actor).

Long review: The planet Krypton had never been so fully realized on screen as it had been in this incarnation of the Superman legend. The creativity was overflowing in the "design" department. I saw more original concepts through out the first chapter of the tale than I had seen in all of last summers blockbusters.

From the moment we jump into the present, the sexy lead stumbles around a poorly executed story about destiny and preservation of races. I was never bored as I always had some sort of destruction or Clark Kent's body to look at.

I will say that he was a perfect choice for the all-American hero. His well meaning eyes balanced with that chiseled jaw were perfect. I'm not sure if he was a weak actor or if it was just the material, but I was never fully convinced by his reactions to things. He met his real father: nothing. Walked around an entire Metropolis that he and Zod destroyed; nothing. Dealt with me ogling him for almost 2 1/2 hours; nothing. WHY WON'T YOU LOOK AT ME, HENRY CAVILL?!?

Ahem, anyway. Amy Adams, who I adore, was not the sassy reporter I would have expected out of my Lois Lane. That cutesy voice made me think she was writing for Smallville High's school paper. I have always pictured Lois being a fearless, strong-backed woman. Adams was too...sweet.

There were a lot of holes and questions that remained by the time the end credits rolled. Why did no one report Clark Kent being on fire at the oil rig? Why was his dad's consciousness able to visit him but his mother's wasn't? Why didn't Zod's two henchmen kill or take Clark's mom, while Zod and Clark were fighting? How did Zod, the machines, and the fighting do ALL that damage but there wasn't a dead body to be seen? I big is Metropolis that they brought down 20 buildings and were able to rebuild by the end of the movie? And why won't Henry Cavill call me?

All this criticism makes it sound as if I did not enjoy the movie.  I did. You just want to leave your thinking cap off. I will say that the CGI was some of the best I've seen and Diane Lane was entertaining as Momma Kent. There was some good cinematography and a wonderful last line by Amy Adams that I won't give away. Let's just say that if the rest of the script had been as clever, I would have given it higher regards.

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