Monday, July 1, 2013

World War Z

Here is my review and inner dialogue for the zombie flick World War Z, starring Brad Pitt. I got to watch the film in Wichita, KS during my first trip to a drive-in theatre.

(Please keep in mind that I was on a date that went very well, and World War Z was the first movie of a triple feature)

Review: It was good.

The date or the movie?

Review: Both.

Tell the readers about it.

Review: That's private?

The movie was private?

Review: No, details of my date.

Tell the readers about World War Z.

Review: Ummm...let's see...Brad Pitt was in it.

In your date?

Review: In the movie, dumb@ss. Believe it or not, I would not have wanted Brad Pitt to interrupt my date. It was that good.

I heard it took three years.

Review: My date?

The movie.

Review: Oh, well...the quality seemed pretty high. So, I can see that. The date was high-quality, but it didn't take three years.

Did your date like it?

Review: I think he did. We actually didn't talk about it much. It was high energy from the start.

Your date or the movie?

Review: Both.

Back to the movie.

Review: Well, I would just like to say that the movie was about a bunch of sick and angry people who chased Brad Pitt down to get their money back after watching World War Z. I would LIKE to say that, but the movie was actually pretty good.

A glowing review?

Review: Not glowing. Keep in mind that I was a bit disoriented watching a movie on a drive-in screen for the first time and had to also get accustomed to the I missed some parts here and there due to my date.

Was the lech getting handsy?

Review: No, no! He was the epitomy of a gentleman. But an occasional glance was exchanged or a discussion of getting me snacks or checking my comfort, so I missed a spot here and there.

Sounds golden.

Review: I wouldn't say golden...or glowing. It was just...good.

Wait I thought you said it was great?

Review: Wait, you're talking about the date now?

Sorry, yes...

Review: I got a few jumps...from the movie...not the date. I was quite comfortable in the date.

So, this blog has had little to do with World War Z review.

Review: I know...I'm sorry. I will say this...the CGI was appropriately used and done well. The acting and the story seemed solid. I feel compelled to watch it again to see what I missed.

I guess that is something.

Review: I also wouldn't mind another see what I missed.

What were the other two movies?

Review: Man of Steel and Fast and the Furious Six (or Six Fast Six Furious...or Fast-urious 6...I refuse to call it FF6 due to my extreme devotion to the Final Fantasy franchise and my game geek friends would probably not appreciate it...especially when it comes to Final Fantasy 6)

Final Fantasy 6 is that good, huh?

Review: Oh, is probably still the one of the best installments. Great villain, great story, great characters and a earth shattering surprise halfway through the game. ;)  Squaresoft really did start off better than they should it is hard to top themselves.

You've given a better review of an old super nintendo game than you have of World War Z.

Review: I know. I'm sorry.

It's okay. If you watch World War Z again and have a different opinion, will you share?

Review: Yes, and I promise there will be no talk about the date.

Conclusion: World War Z, probably worth the watch. Who will go with me to watch it again?

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